

New round of screenshots.. I think the art’s nearly done on this, there’s just some UI work and tweaks, and gameplay values to finalize.. can’t wait to finish! Oh yeah, and a tutorial type screen.. need to get on that

latest version:


chugging away

Still working away!

there’s been some ongoing difficulty curve struggles which I think I’m ironing out. I’ve decided to switch the game enemies from pre-planned lists of enemy spawns to a dynamic/random system which spawns enemies based on level number (difficulty).  It turns out that I was creating the enemy level spawn lists to a set of rules in my head, but it was very clunky to quickly change the lists to balance them. It works out easier just to program that set of rules and tweak bits here and there than to re-make the list every time I want to change it. I originally wanted it so that a player could memorize enemy patterns to improve at the game, but people were’nt doing that anyway beyond maybe the first few enemies in the first level

Also, I’ve added music to the next version, as well as some cosmetic boosts which should be fun!


‘nother version!

main changes:
-player now slowly heals ‘current circle’ all the time
-new ‘inner forcefield’ to help represent health
-enemies have indicators when in range, and crosshair when you’re over them (this doesnt indicate if you can kill shield enemies yet)
-enemies fire ray beams at the stations to indicate attacks


gameplay tweaks

here’s the latest game version:

I decided there wasn’t enough timing in the game, and I had based the original idea more around that concept. I’ve changed it so that to kill enemy ships, you need to press space and electrically charge your ship to kill enemies